Monday, June 30, 2008

Kata-kata bagus...

"Saya adalah salah satu di antara begitu banyak orang yang mendapatkan dan menerima hidayah Allah SWT sebagai Tuhannya, Islam sebagai agamanya, dan Muhammad SAW sebagai pembimbing dan rasulnya"

(Muhammad Al Ghazali, 1917 - 1996, teolog dan pendakwah dari Mesir)

Friday, June 27, 2008

Kangen itu masih betah ada di sini...

Aduh…, kenapa sih kamu masih saja ada di sini?
Kenapa sih kamu betah sekali hinggap di relung hatiku?
Aku sudah gak kuat lagi
Ayo donk, pergi dari sini!
Pergilah ke tempat yang jauh!
Jauhi aku…
Tinggalkan aku…
Hinggaplah di relung hati yang lain
yang menyambutmu dengan gembira
dan sebelum aku tergoda untuk memeluk dan merengkuhmu kembali

Kadang kamu membuatku sedih dan tak berdaya
Tapi sering pula kamu membuatku senang dan tertawa
Bahkan kamu juga pernah membuat aku marah dan kecewa
Tapi aku menikmatinya walau kadang kamu membuat aku lelah
Jujur, aku masih mau… dan mau lagi…

Aah, tapi sudahlah…
Kangen ini mungkin hanya sesaat
Tapi bisa juga kamu di sini untuk waktu lama

Aah, aku bingung denganmu…
Aku nikmati saja keberadaanmu kini
Hingga kamu tidak lagi betah di sini
Hingga kamu menjauh dariku
Hingga kamu pergi meninggalkanku
untuk pindah ke tempat lain
dan hinggap ke hati lain yang mau memelukmu dengan erat…

Jika kamu memang masih betah ada di sini…
Aku biarkan kamu tetap di sini
Hingga suatu saat kamu menghilang
atau bahkan kamu tetap betah ada di sini…

Sore menjelang maghrib
@28 Juni 2008

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A Song for Someone...

Aduuuuh..., kalo denger lagi ini... hatiku langsung rontok dan bertebaran... he..he.. Wuih..., asli begitu denger lagu ini perasaanku bener-bener gak keruan, sedih banget..., patah hati... dan hopeless... Lagu ini bener-bener menggambarkan situasi yang aku alami saat ini ketika seseorang pernah bilang begini: "Ini lagu... bener-bener saya banget..." Maka jadilah, lagu ini sekarang menjadi 'Nata Tunggu' di HP aku... hadiah dari seseorang buat aku... :o(

Cinta Ini Membunuhku (D'Massive)

Kau membuatku berantakan
Kau membuatku tak karuan
Kau membuatku tak berdaya
Kau menolakku... acuhkan diriku...

Bagaimana caranya untuk
Meruntuhkan kerasnya hatimu
Kusadari ku tak sempurna
Ku tak seperti yang kau inginkan...

Kau hancurkan aku dengan sikapmu
Tak sadarkah kau telah menyakitiku
Lelah hati ini meyakinkanmu
Cinta ini membunuhku...

For that someone...: One thing for sure that never ever across in my mind, not in once, that I wanted to hurt you in anyway... It's just that I must let you go... If only you know how I'm feeling now... I'm hurt as much as you are... I hope you understand that I just have to let it all go now...

Friday, June 20, 2008

Barack Obama presente ses excuses a deux femmes voilees interdites de s'assoir derriere lui lors d'un meeting

La nouvelle d'Obama que je veux partager avec vous qui s'interesez de savoir... L'article a ete prise de publiee par AP au Vendredi le 20 juin 2008.

DETROIT - Barack Obama a présenté ses excuses personnelles à deux musulmanes de la région de Detroit à qui on a interdit de s'asseoir voilées sur l'estrade derrière le candidat démocrate à la présidentielle américaine lors d'un meeting au début de la semaine.

Obama a publié un communiqué dans lequel il déclare "avoir contacté" les deux femmes, Shimaa Abdelfadeel et Hebba Aref.

"J'ai parlé avec Melle Abdelfadeel et présenté mes excuses les plus sincères pour cet incident à l'initiative de volontaires lors de ce meeting à Detroit". "Les actions de ces volontaires sont inacceptables et ne reflètent en rien les actions de ma campagne. Je suis profondément blessé et je continuerai à me battre contre toute discrimination visant un groupe religieux ou d'origine en particulier. Notre campagne vise à rassembler les gens et je sais gré à Mme Abdelfadeel d'avoir accepté nos excuses et j'espère que Melle Aref et quiconque s'est senti offensé accepteront également ces excuses".

Des collaborateurs du sénateur de l'Illinois ont précisé qu'Obama avait laissé un message à Melle Aref.
Mercredi, Hebba Aref avait expliqué que les deux jeunes femmes avaient été invitées par des volontaires à s'asseoir derrière l'estrade lors d'un meeting de Barack Obama au stade Joe-Louis de Detroit. Mais, a ajouté Melle Aref, ces mêmes volontaires ont dit aux deux femmes que les femmes portant un hidjab, le foulard musulman traditionnel, ne pouvaient pas s'asseoir derrière l'estrade et devant les caméras de télévision. AP

Monday, June 09, 2008

The Best Picture

This is the best picture of my lovely Nadia... She looks sooo beautiful and innocent... With the sunlight that strikes her face make her look even more radiant. The picture was taken a month ago at Pangkor Island on her weekend holiday. Nadia, you know that I love you sooo much, don't you?

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Finally... It's Finished... What's Next...?

My house renovation phase one is finished now. Kitchen, living room, dining room, bathroom, and an inner-court are ready to use now. Some of the pictures taken from my house:

Next step would be kitchen renovation. I have the 3-D design ready now. I contacted Irwan, old friend of mine, to do the kitchen. And this is a picture of my kitchen-would-be:

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Nadia is Back Home to KL... :o(

After spending 10 days here in Jakarta, today Nadia left to airport to go back to KL. Ooooh, I miss you already, my lovely Nadia. She and her mom took a 2pm flight. We dropped them at the airport. Since we heard that there had been some big tidal that had been going on since yesterday, we decided to take Damri there. We were worried that there would be bad traffic and that we had to be asked to take another route which none of us was aware of. Then, Damri it was. But it was fun, and Nadia was enjoying her Damri ride too.

Ten days seem like seconds only for me. I spend one full day with Nadia at Kidzania on Monday. She seemed to enjoy her time at Kidzania. At first, she felt uncomfortable playing all alone without me or Mila accompanying her, but it was the rule. We can only wait outside the playing area and check on her once in awhile. Finally, she started to enjoying her time and activities. She visited bank, learned how to queue at the bank and withdrew some money. She also went to the department store, learned how to make perfume and bracelet.

Then she went shopping for groceries at the supermarket. Had her hair done and put some make up at the saloon. Then she worked as a model at Vita’s Locker and did the fashion show. Since her cash was running out, we asked her to work as a tour leader at Panorama Travel and a cashier at the pharmacy. She was very excited when she got paid 8 Kidzos (that’s the currency at Kidzania world). Having enough money again, she then paid a visit to chocolate, ice cream and noodle factories. And she ended up her day at Kidzania by riding a bus for a city tour. She was really having fun there. And it was a very valuable experience too for her, playing and having knowledge at the same time. She said that she would tell it all to her daddy when she got back.

Oh ya, one funny story to tell too. Nadia always wanted to meet Pak Polisi just to proof that Pak Polisi is nice and friendly, and that she is not afraid of them. Shierly, her cousin is afraid of Pak Polisi actually, that’s why she was obsessed to show and tell her that Pak Polisi is nice and friendly. Finally, after coming with me to my office, at 12pm we went to JaCC to meet my mum that would take her back home from there while I went back to office again. At the entrance, she saw a man that she thought was a police. Well, he was not real police, he was a security guard at JaCC actually who wore a police-like uniform. Then, she waived and smiled while saying "Hello, Pak Polisi!" Then I had an idea. I asked her if she wanted to take picture with him, and she said yes. Then she did. She was very excited… and would tell her story and show the picture to her cousin and everybody else.

Oooooh, Nadia, you are so cute. I miss you already now…