Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Part 1: My Version of "The Secret"
Couple of months ago, I read a book called The Secret. I am sure you and everybody else have heard or even read it. It’s a good book. The way it was written, it’s simple and easy to understand. However, what’s written in the book is nothing new for me, and I guess it is not either for many of us who have learned about the Quran and Islam. The concepts that were written in the book are something that we, as Moslem, have or even should have known.
Being a person who always try to understand everything that happen in this world and try to connect or relate them back to the Quran, for me the concepts in the book are nothing new. It is because I know for sure that the answer of everything are there written and stated clearly in the Quran. It’s just the matter of whether or not do we comprehend and accept the truth of the Quran.
So, everytime I read a book, see things that are happening in life or in nature, or when I experience something in my life and learn experience from others, I always refer and relate them back to the Quran to find the answers and what really is behind those. For me, and for everybody too, Quran is the only truth that we must believe in.
Same thing happens when I read The Secret. I found that many of the concepts written in the book were actually written and stated through the verses of the Quran. Here, I try to summarize those points on The Secret vs the verses in the Quran. My summary will come in several parts and this is part one.
Keberadaan tidak datang dari luar, dan bahwa segala sesuatu pertama-tama datang dari dalam pikiran dan perasaan.
o QS 22:74 “Mereka tidak mengenal Allah dengan sebenar-benarnya. Sesungguhnya Allah benar-benar Maha Kuat lagi Maha Perkasa.”
Akal Anda adalah daya kreatif dari segala sesuatu. Jadi, bagaimana mungkin akan ada kekurangan? Ini tidak mungkin. Kemampuan Anda untuk berpikir tidaklah terbatas, begitu pula hal-hal yang dapat Anda wujudkan melalui pikiran. Begitu pula dengan setiap orang.
o QS 95:4 “Sesungguhnya Kami telah menciptakan manusia dalam bentuk yang sebaik-baiknya.”
o QS 16:78 “Dan Allah mengeluarkan kamu dari perut ibumu dalam keadaan tidak mengetahui sesuatupun, dan Dia memberi kamu pendengaran, penglihatan, dan hati agar kamu bersyukur.”
o QS 7:179“… mereka mempunyai hati, tetapi tidak dipergunakannya untuk memahami (ayat-ayat Allah) dan mereka mempunyai mata (tetapi) tidak dipergunakannya untuk melihat (tanda-tanda) kekuasaan Allah, dan mereka mempunyai telinga (tetapi) tidak dipergunakannya untuk mendengar (ayat-ayat) Allah. Mereka itu seperti binatang ternak, bahkan mereka lebih sesat lagi. Mereka itulah orang-orang yang lalai.” – QS 7:179
Anda tidak dapat menciptakan hidup bagi orang lain. Anda tidak dapat berpikir untuk mereka, dan jika Anda mencoba memaksakan pendapat Anda pada orang lain, Anda hanya akan menarik kekuatan serupa kepada Anda. Jadi, biarkan orang lain menciptakan hidup yang mereka inginkan.
o QS 6:52 “…Kamu tidak memiliki tanggung jawab sedikitpun terhadap perbuatan mereka dan mereka pun tidak memikul tanggung jawab sedikitpun terhadap perbuatanmu,…”
o QS 10:41 “…Bagiku pekerjaanku dan bagimu pekerjaanmu. Kamu berlepas diri terhadap apa yang aku kerjakan dan aku pun berlepas diri terhadap apa yang kamu kerjakan.”
o QS 17:7 “Jika kamu berbuat baik (berarti) kamu berbuat baik bagi dirimu sendiri dan jika kamu berbuat jahat, maka (kejahatan) itu bagi dirimu sendiri…”
o QS 17:14 “…Dan seorang yang berdosa tidak dapat memikul dosa orang lain, dan Kami tidak akan mengazab sebelum Kami mengutus seorang rasul.”
o QS 2:139 “…Bagi kami amalan kami, bagi kamu amalan kamu, dan hanya kepada-Nya kami mengikhlaskan hati.”
o QS 50:45 “Kami lebih mengetahui tentang apa yang mereka katakan, dan kamu sekali-kali bukanlah seorang pemaksa terhadap mereka. Maka beri peringatanlah dengan Al Quran orang yang takut kepada ancaman-Ku.”
Friday, February 08, 2008
What Can We Do About It...?
Surabaya, Feb. 2nd, 2008
The mistakes that we keep on doing...
Today is Saturday, Feb 2nd, 2008. I am in Surabaya for business assignment. I’m supposed to go back to Jakarta today afternoon at 5pm. Unfortunately, I had to change my plan. Jakarta is flooding again! How terrible it is… All flights were delayed or even cancelled due to the weather and flooding in Jakarta, especially at the airport area. Even one of our guest speaker for Surabaya event had to cancel his trip due to the situation.
So, I and my colleagues decided to stay over in Surabaya for another night. As much as I wanted to go home the soonest, there was nothing I could do other that postpone my flight. I just didn’t want to force myself for something that is out of my control.
Finally, I and my colleagues managed to fly on Sunday morning. Although our flight was delayed and we were separated, I was so blessed actually because my flight wasn’t delayed for more than just 1 hour. The other flight was delayed until 2pm. I arrived in Cengkareng at 1200. I took Damri to get home as I heard that taxi fare was ridiculous. It could cost us at least Rp400.000,-!!! It’s amazing how people can actually use the moment to take advantage for themselves. But then again, they have to feed gasoline to their cars, don’t they…?
It was so sad to see that we have to face the same old situation again every year. As far as I can recall, Jakarta has been experiencing flooding every year since the last 10 years. It seems that we just keep doing the same mistake all over again. I think the nation never learns the mistake… we never learn from the mistakes. But whose mistakes are these anyway? Are we fair if we point our finger and say that this is all the government’s mistake…? I don’t think so… For me, it is everybody’s mistake, including myself. It is the mistake of the nation. Everybody is responsible of what is happening in our country these days… Everybody…, including myself…
The questions left for each of us are: what can we do to save our nation? Do we have strong will to really help our nation? Do we have strong desire and passion to make a different for our nation? Where do we start, if we do…? Have we done enough for our country? Have we even done something? Have we really thought about Allah's verses below...? It's time for each of us to think and take our portion to make a different, for ourselves, others and the country.
Sesungguhnya Allah tidak mengubah keadaan suatu kaum sehingga mereka mengubah keadaan yang ada pada diri mereka sendiri…” – QS 13:11
“…Sesungguhnya Allah sekali-kali tidak akan mengubah sesuatu ni’mat yang telah dianugerahkan-Nya kepada suatu kaum, hingga kaum itu mengubah apa yang ada pada diri mereka sendiri…” – QS 8:53
“Sesungguhnya Allah tidak berbuat zalim kepada manusia sedikitpun, akan tetapi manusia itulah yang berbuat zalim kepada diri mereka sendiri.” – QS 10:44
The mistakes that we keep on doing...
Today is Saturday, Feb 2nd, 2008. I am in Surabaya for business assignment. I’m supposed to go back to Jakarta today afternoon at 5pm. Unfortunately, I had to change my plan. Jakarta is flooding again! How terrible it is… All flights were delayed or even cancelled due to the weather and flooding in Jakarta, especially at the airport area. Even one of our guest speaker for Surabaya event had to cancel his trip due to the situation.
So, I and my colleagues decided to stay over in Surabaya for another night. As much as I wanted to go home the soonest, there was nothing I could do other that postpone my flight. I just didn’t want to force myself for something that is out of my control.
Finally, I and my colleagues managed to fly on Sunday morning. Although our flight was delayed and we were separated, I was so blessed actually because my flight wasn’t delayed for more than just 1 hour. The other flight was delayed until 2pm. I arrived in Cengkareng at 1200. I took Damri to get home as I heard that taxi fare was ridiculous. It could cost us at least Rp400.000,-!!! It’s amazing how people can actually use the moment to take advantage for themselves. But then again, they have to feed gasoline to their cars, don’t they…?
It was so sad to see that we have to face the same old situation again every year. As far as I can recall, Jakarta has been experiencing flooding every year since the last 10 years. It seems that we just keep doing the same mistake all over again. I think the nation never learns the mistake… we never learn from the mistakes. But whose mistakes are these anyway? Are we fair if we point our finger and say that this is all the government’s mistake…? I don’t think so… For me, it is everybody’s mistake, including myself. It is the mistake of the nation. Everybody is responsible of what is happening in our country these days… Everybody…, including myself…
The questions left for each of us are: what can we do to save our nation? Do we have strong will to really help our nation? Do we have strong desire and passion to make a different for our nation? Where do we start, if we do…? Have we done enough for our country? Have we even done something? Have we really thought about Allah's verses below...? It's time for each of us to think and take our portion to make a different, for ourselves, others and the country.
Sesungguhnya Allah tidak mengubah keadaan suatu kaum sehingga mereka mengubah keadaan yang ada pada diri mereka sendiri…” – QS 13:11
“…Sesungguhnya Allah sekali-kali tidak akan mengubah sesuatu ni’mat yang telah dianugerahkan-Nya kepada suatu kaum, hingga kaum itu mengubah apa yang ada pada diri mereka sendiri…” – QS 8:53
“Sesungguhnya Allah tidak berbuat zalim kepada manusia sedikitpun, akan tetapi manusia itulah yang berbuat zalim kepada diri mereka sendiri.” – QS 10:44
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