Aduuuh, ampuuuuun DJ…! There are many things to do on my plate, yet so little time I have. Anyway, tetap harus bersyukur karena masih diberi berkah pekerjaan dan kegiatan yang banyak dari Allah SWT. Here what I have to do for the next three weeks in July alone:
- Full schedule this weekend: accompany my friend from Saturday to Sunday
- Buy some books for gift (a Gramedia, mais ou?)
- Buy love pillow for gift (di Ambassador aja kali yah…?)
- Pay credit card (di rumah aja Sabtu pagi pake internet banking)
- Pay June hand phone bill (Telkomsel)
- Packing
- City check-in Garuda pagi-pagi aja masih sepi antrinya gak lama (July 6th) --> Iis & Mas Agus nitip juga
- Go to Batam from July 7th to 12th --> leaving Jakarta at 11:05am, mo coba naik Damri aahh...
- Translate for my PD’s opening speech in Batam (Day 1)
- Translate speaker’s session in Batam (Day 2) --> Thank God it’s only one session!
- Go to Berastagi, Medan from July 13th to 17th --> leaving Batam at 1220pm (first time fly by Sriwijaya air)
- Translate again for my PD’s opening speech in Medan (Day 1)
- Translate again speaker’s session in Medan (Day 2)
- Go back home July 17th --> arrive in Jakarta at 1245pm
- Take one-day off July 18th --> lumayan bisa istirahat 2 hari (Jumat & Sabtu)
- Choose bed design sent by Irwan (deadline: 18-July)
- Renegotiate kitchen set project with Irwan (deadline: 18-July) --> need to reschedule the project after Lebaran
- Check my crib. It must have been a month by then since my last visit (visit schedule: Sunday, July 20th)
- Back to office (July 21st)
- Mon anniversaire: le 22 juillet (y’a pas qqch speciale, j’ai besoin seulement le temps specials pour une reflexion de soi)
- (Again) go to Puncak for mid-year review meeting from July 22nd to 25th
- Get prepared for next event in Jakarta (July 31st) and Surabaya (Aug 1st)
- Event in Jakarta (July 31st) --> please don't ask me to be a translator anymore... I had enough after Batam & Medan... please... please... ;o(
- Event in Surabaya (August 1st) --> please don't assign me to go again... I had enough...!
Yah..., walopun banyak banget yang harus dikerjakan, tetapi aku harus tetep semangat, bersyukur, dan jaga kesehatan dengan istirahat yang cukup, gak stres, makan yang sehat serta olah raga walopun cuma 30 menit per hari. Hi..hi.. itu dia tuh yang sulit...! ;o(